Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One more vote to count!

I got rid of the guilt feeling I was carrying since couple of days!

Karnataka goes to poll on 23rd and surprisingly companies (including mine) announed holiday. And our announcement came with a message - 'Casting a Vote is our obligation both to strengthen the democratic process, as well as to exercise our right as citizens. So let us make this opportunity count!'

I never casted vote in the ealier elections, niether was I listed in the voter's list nor I have an election card. It was lack of motivation, no interest in politics, ignorance towards our rights, and bit laziness. There was also a thought - what difference will my single vote make? All the politicians are corrupt, the rowdi-est of them will win by hook or crook. So I was convinced my vote does not count!

This time my attitude was different, I wanted to participate. Agressive 2008 election in US and Obama coming into power, was a motivating factor. There are lot of initiatives by different organisations for social awakening - Times of India, Jagore being one of them. I did take an initiative to register on their site and got the form filled, but by the time my lazy bones could go and submit the form to the local constituency the last date had passed. And then came the holiday announcement in office which made me go into a guilt trip - I am not eligible for this holiday, I should come to office. I should have shown little more enthu this time. I will not be able to vote till next election.

But yesterday things changed, our neighbour walked in late evening with a small strip of print-out having names of our family members, who were registered in the voter list. He read aloud the names... Nalini... Harish?... I was still doubtful is it really me and Harsha or he picked up the wrong list? He handed over the paper - written in kannada 'ನಳಿನಿ ಶ್ರೀಹರ್ಷ' (Nalini Sriharsha) is all I could read, which was enough to brighten my face!
Later I got to know my in-laws had added our names when the Election comission representatives had visited the area to upate the list.
Now one task remaining is being little more responsible and finding out the right contestant from our area. I won't let my vote go waste.

I can enjoy the holiday tomorrow - after dedicating an hour for The Cause. :)

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